International e-Conference
Agricultural BioSciences 2008 (IeCAB 2008)
Important Dates
29 February 2008. Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts, posters and power point presentations. Send all materials to secretary with carbon copy to All entries will be reviewed and comments sent to authors. Please address any corrections or issues pointed before re-submitting your paper.
30 April 2008: Deadline for re-submitting the corrected abstracts and papers
June 2-16, 2008: e-Conference exhibition rooms open..
Enhanced protein, vitamins and micronutrient content.
Organic farming
Special value crops (Vegetables , fruits, flowers, medicinal plants, etc)
Dry land farming
Landscaping concepts and technologies
Animal (Livestock) Sciences
Health (Drugs and vaccines) and emerging threats (e.g. bird flu).
Organic farming
Associated Technologies and Innovations
Information and communication technology in Agriculture
Engineered farm structures and equipments
Extension support and technology transfer
GIS applications
Packaging and transportation technologies
Irrigation systems
Policy framework, regional networks, etc
Economics and management resources
Trade and Markets
Input supply chains
Product Labeling and traceability
International trade agreements, subsidies
An updated list of topics to be covered will appear here. Participant’s wishing to contribute can suggest a topic in any area of health biosciences and related issues.