International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2009
(IeCAB 2009)

Awards 2009


The International e-Conference on Agricultural BioSciences 2009 (IeCAB 2009) was held from June 1 - 15, 2009. It is unique in that participants exhibited their presentations and interacted entirely electronically, i.e. on the internet. One major reason behind the conception of the e-conference is a desire to reduce the costs of participation, and thereby increase the number of participants from developing countries. Participants incur no expenses for transportation, hotel accommodation, per diem, visa, etc since the conference can be attended from the office, home or any other place with internet access.  The abstracts, posters and power points are exhibited online. Full papers will be published in the Journal of Applied Biosciences (ISSN 1997-5902). Links to all outputs of this e-conference can be accessed at

Recognition Awards

The three presentations listed below were selected for recognition due to their Excellence in different categories and were presented with e-Certificates. The categories awarded are:

Category 1. Technology Application.

No Presentation was awarded a certificate in this category.

Citation: The Technology Application category aims to recognize scientists who identify, understand and make use of technology that has been developed elsewhere or by others, to enhance the way they carry out their own work, increase productivity, and develop new or superior technologies, e.g. crop varieties, animal breeds or new methods.

Category 2: Innovation. Click here to view certificate....... , Click here to view certificate......

The title of the winning presentation in the Innovation Category is 'Sustainable System of Cassava Dissemination Involving Farmers and Non governmental Organizations
(NGO's)in Cameroon'

 Presenters: *E. Njukwe, A. Dixon, and **A. Tenkouano

Institutions: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture: *Humid Forest Eco regional
Center, BP 2008 Messa, Yaoundé, Cameroon; **IITA Headquarters, Oyo
Road, P.M.B. 5320, Ibadan, Nigeria. (*Current address: AVRDC World
Vegetable Center, P.M.B. 10 Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania)

The title of the Runners Up presentation in the Innovation Category is 'Performance of West African Dwarf goat fed on cellphone recharge cards treated with Trichoderma harzianum'

Presenters: Belewu M.A, Belewu, K.Y, Badmos A.H.A, Damisa, H.

Institutions: Microbial Biotechnology and Dairy Science Laboratory. Department of Animal Production, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Corresponding author e-mail:

Citation: The Innovation Category Award aimed to recognize scientists who presented ideas or concepts of new, cost-effective, captivating and self-sustaining ways of addressing emerging developmental challenges.

Category 3: Excellent Experimentation and Presentation. Click here to view certificate...........

The title of the winning presentation in this category is 'Gene expression and antioxidative defense enzymes upon exposure of Lepidium sativum to
lead stress'.

Presenters: Mohamed M. Ibrahim* and Sameera O. Bafeel**.

Institutions: *Biology Department, Teacher's College, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; **Botany Department, College of Science, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia .Corresponding author e-mail:

Citation: This award aimed to recognize scientists who carried out simplified and cost-effective experimentation to identify suitable technologies for increasing agricultural productivity.

Category 4: New Knowledge. Click here to view certificate. 1......

Click here to view certificate.. 2....., Click here to view certificate..... 3..

The titles of the presentations in the New Knowledge Category are

!. The incidence and distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands on macadamia in Kenya

Presenters: J.N.Mbaka*, L.S.Wamocho**, L.Turoop** and M.M.Waiganjo*
Institutions: *Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Thika, Kenya , **Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya

2.Natural enemies of Sesame Webworm and the effect of additive intercropping on its incidence in Uganda

Presenters: Egonyu JP*, Kyamanywa S** and Ssekabembe CK **
Institutions: *National Crop Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI)/ Coffee Research Centre (COREC), P.O Box 185, Mukono, Uganda. **Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda

3. A Situation Analysis of Priority Farm Enterprises and Technology Adoption Status in the South West Highlands of Uganda

Presenters: W.N. Nanyeenya*, A. Mugisha**, Gad Turyamureeba***, and A. Ssali****

Institutions: *National Livestock Resources Research Institute, PO Box 96, Tororo, Uganda; **Makerere - University, PO Box 7062, Kampala, Uganda; *** Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute, PO Box 421, Kabale, Uganda; ****National Crop Resources Research Institute, PO Box 7084, Kampala, Uganda.






Citation: This award aimed to recognize scientists whose work contributed new knowledge to agricultural biosciences and their work exhibited scientists to some new ideas.

This Science Publishing and Communications Initiative is co-ordinated at FACT BioSciences, Nairobi, Kenya. Copyrighted 2008.